Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Goju Kai & Goju Ryu

"Goju Kai Karate is very similar in techniques and Katas to Goju Ryu. Goju Kai tends to place more emphasis on the sport side of training rather than the body conditioning and supplementary exercises of Goju Ryu. The founder of Goju Kai, Yamaguchi Gogen, is credited for introducing free sparring to Karate. Previously, Okinawan Karate styles only used Katas and pre-defined attack/defense techniques in their training.

Many Goju Kai schools exist today all over the world, and the characteristic clenched fist logo of Gojo Kai can easily be recognized. The insignia was designed by the late Gogen Yamaguchi in 1932, founder of Goju-Kai Karate-Do. In fact, the clenched fist insignia is vigorously protected by U.S. and international trademark and patent laws by those that currently hold the rights for it.

Yamaguchi Goju KaiOrigin of Goju Kai: Japan, 1950

Founder of Goju Kai: Yamaguchi Gogen (The Cat) 1909-1989. His sons Gosei and Gosen brought Goju Kai to California, United States in the sixties. -"Martial Arts Info - Goju Kai." Martial Arts Information - Martial Arts Info. Web. 18 Jan. 2011. .

Goju Ryu Karate is one of the four original Okinawan styles of Karate. Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate employs hard and soft techniques with circular and linear movements. Goju Ryu has a great variety of hand and foot techniques.

Emphasis in Goju Ryu is placed on strengthening the body and mind with supplementary exercises. Goju Ryu’s most famous exponent is Morio Higaonna - chief instructor of the International Okinawan Goju Ryu Karatedo Federation (I.O.G.K.F.).

Origin of Goju Ryu Karate: Okinawa

Founder of Goju Ryu: Chojun Miyagi 1888-195 -"Martial Arts Info - Goju Ryu." Martial Arts Information - Martial Arts Info. Web. 18 Jan. 2011. .

Dim Mak

"Dim Mak, also know as Death Touch, is the ancient martial art of striking vital points of an opponent’s body. These strikes are engineered to cause “knock-out”, death or delayed reaction in the opponent.

Dim  MakThese vital points are the same as used for healing in acupuncture and other Asian healing arts. Dim Mak is an integral part of all martial arts. However, very few instructors know much of specific Dim Mak techniques, and those that do are reluctant to pass on this knowledge to their students.

Most pressure points are located along the center line, an important concept of many Kung Fu styles including Wing Chun Kung Fu. Pressure points exist in the arms, legs, back and head, and they are also considered when protecting major striking targets along the centre line.

Origin of Dim Mak: China

Popularised by: George Dillman, through seminars books and video"-"Martial Arts Info - Dim Mak." Martial Arts Information - Martial Arts Info. Web. 18 Jan. 2011. .

This is the scary stuff! I'm sorry, but I'm probably worried about this martial art then others. Why? Oh I dunno, maybe it's because they can make you relieve yourself of your bowels by just touching your arm right above your armpit. And I don't want to be killed by just a touch! No thank you!

Choy Li Fut

"Choy Li Fut is a combination of many Chinese martial arts styles (including Southern and Northern styles), and includes the five animals - Tiger, Dragon, Crane, Leopard, Snake.

Choy Li Fut was developed in 1836 by Chan Heung, who learned martial arts from his uncle, a famous Shaolin Boxer. Chan Heung named his amalgation of Kung-Fu styles after his two teachers, Choy Fok and Li Yau-San. Fut means Buddha in Cantonese, and was added to the name of his new style as an acknowledgement of his uncle and Shaolin roots of the system.

Choy Li FutChoy Li Fut is an effective self-defence system and contains a wide variety of techniques, including long and short range punches, kicks, sweeps and takedowns, lethal pressure point attacks, joint locks, and grappling. It also practices many of the traditional Kung Fu weapons.

Although rare outside of China, Choy Li Fut remains a very popular martial arts style in mainland China today.

Origin of Choy Li Fut Kung Fu: China

Founder of Choy Li Fut Kung Fu: Chan Heung, in 183" -"Martial Arts Info - Choy Li Fut." Martial Arts Information - Martial Arts Info. Web. 18 Jan. 2011. .

I don't even know how to describe this Martial's a combination of many.